
If you would like to see some of Marco’s keynotes, please find below a few links to Presentations in German and English.


Sibos Big Issue Cybersecurity (starting at min 2:40)
TED Talk Cybercrime Investigations

Cybercrime Congress

Summary and Logistical Information

Languages: English and German

Topics for presentations: Marco is preparing an individual speech for each event. The organizers will have the chance to discuss focus areas with Marco in a briefing call. Typical topics are:

• Current Developments in Cybersecurity and Cybercrime

• Relevance for Board Members and Managing Directors

• Implications for Companies and Decision-Makers

• Cyber ​​Incident Simulations

• Digitization, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

• Impact of AI  on Economy, Society and Politics

Presentation style:  Marco is a very experienced and energetic speaker. He usually speaks free (without supporting presentation slides) as this enables him to respond to the audience. Upon request Marco is happy to use slides in addition.

Publications: Copies of one or more of Marco’s publications (available in English, German, Spanish, French, Russian, Arabic and Chinese) can be made available for the audience and Marco is available for signing sessions.

If you would like to book Marco as a speaker, please feel free to contact us via e-mail (info(at)